Nominations Now Open for Annual “Izzy Award” for Independent Media

by | Dec 13, 2022 | News

The Izzy Award will celebrate its 15th year this spring, and nominations are officially open for work produced during the calendar year 2022.

The Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College (PCIM) will again grant this honor — named after legendary journalist I. F. “Izzy” Stone — for outstanding achievement in independent media. As always, the award will go to an independent media outlet or individual journalist or producer who publishes their work through their own site or that of an independent outlet.

Please note that work published or broadcast by a mainstream, commercial, or conglomerated media outlet is not eligible — including if it was produced by a nonprofit/independent journalism organization. Work produced by a nonprofit/independent journalism organization and published or broadcast by an independent, non-commercial, non-conglomerated media outlet is eligible.

Journalists, academics, and the public at large may submit nominations until midnight EST on Friday, February 3, 2023. The winner will be announced early next spring, with an award ceremony to follow in April 2023.

Nominations should include 300-350 words or less explaining why the entry is worthy of consideration. They should include supporting web links (no more than 5) and/or attached materials. Send submissions to Raza Rumi, director of PCIM, at

Izzy Award recipients are chosen by a panel of independent judges with expertise in independent media. Past winners include Amy Goodman, Tim Schwab, Naomi Klein, John Carlos Frey, Todd Miller, Laura Flanders, and Sharif Abdel Kouddous and independent news sources such as Truthout, Earth Island Journal and Inside Climate News. Last year’s award went to nonprofit outlets Block Club ChicagoBetter Government AssociationTHE CITY, and International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, as well as to journalist Jenni Monet.


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