Infiltrating News — Sharon Lerner and Rodrigo Brandão of The Intercept

by | Mar 25, 2021 | Videos

PCIM and the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) hosted a discussion with Rodrigo Brandão and Sharon Lerner from investigative independent news outlet The Intercept on Wednesday, March 24.

Moderated by Raza Rumi, the conversation centered recent stories by Sharon Lerner that interrogated the human cost of cancer-causing emissions from large factories near towns. Rodrigo Brandão offered insights to The Intercept’s mission and function as an adversarial news organization, and abundant reports by Lerner demonstrated a commitment to accountability. Lerner details several other stories (linked below) covering health and the environment, including global vaccine equity and COVID-19 cases by location in New York City.

Read more about the panelists here


Read the reporting by Sharon Lerner that was discussed:

Tracking an Invisible Killer” (Video)

Tracking the Invisible Killer

Environmental Group Charges EPA with Ignoring Evidence of Cancer

The War on the War on Cancer

The Paraquat Poisoning Problem

Coronavirus Numbers Reflect New York City’s Deep Economic Divide

Inside Biden’s Meeting With Civil Rights Leaders

World Faces Covid-19 “Vaccine Apartheid

South African Archbishop Denounces Coronavirus Vaccine Apartheid

Leaked Audio Reveals How Coca-Cola Undermines Plastic Recycling Efforts

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